Embedded Systems Design (M. Sc.)

Hochschule Bremerhaven

27568 Bremerhaven
  • Studienrichtung:
    Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
  • Studiengebühren:
    Semesterbeitrag 344 €
  • Voraussetzung:
    Abgeschlossenes Studium
  • Studienbeginn:
  • Studiumstyp:
    Am Standort
  • Regelstudienzeit:
    3 Semester
  • Studienabschluss:
    Master of Science
  • Immatrikulationsfrist:
  • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • Hochschule Bremerhaven
    Hochschule Bremerhaven © Hochschule Bremerhaven

    Embedded Systems? What does this mean?

    From washing machines to satellites - there is hardly any product or machine on the market that is not equipped with integrated digital technology or software determining its function and performance. Embedded systems are omnipresent in technical installations and utilities and, as „hidden“ systems, form a key technology in terms of product innovations in mechanical and plant engineering as well as in medical and scientific devices and instruments. The University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven supports and furthers such development with the Master Programme „Embedded Systems Design“. An embedded system includes mechanical or mechatronic systems which assume its essential function through open or closed loop control using electronic components as well as the required software. Modules such as Digital Systems/VHDL, System-on-Chip Design, mechatronic and discrete control systems enable students to develop and implement innovative embedded systems.
    Classes and Laboratories
    The students learn to develop embedded systems in industrial drive and control technology, in scientific systems and in technical medical devices. With their general technical background and specialist knowledge, they can develop applications and processes that lead to the implementation of new systems. The potential of the technology currently available should be made accessible to the students by acquiring knowledge in the fields of mechatronics, discrete (control) systems, real-time software, digital technology/VHDL and system-on-chip design. Practical training, e.g. through laboratory instruction and projects, as well as the imparting of interdisciplinary skills, creates the prerequisites for both development tasks and research activities. Through interdisciplinary qualifications in the areas of project planning, scientific documentation and presentation as well as teamwork, the course also contributes to the students’ personal development.
    structure and goal setting

    In the first semester of the ESD Master‘s programme, a sound foundation is laid for the application-oriented courses in the second semester. In modules such as Safety and Reliability, Mechatronics or Digital Systems, the participants mainly first learn about process-independent theory. Based on the basic knowledge of the Bachelor‘s programme, the existing knowledge is deepened and completed in the first semester in order to master the relevant subjects at the Master‘s level. In the second semester, the applica tion modules from the areas of industrial systems, scientific systems and medical devices follow, focusing on three labour market points. Cross-departmental qualifications in the form of project planning and management, teamwork, technical documentation and presentation are part of ‘Requirements Engineering‘ and the Embedded Systems Project. The Master’s thesis is written in the third semester.

    Practical phase and stay abroad

    International developments are of great significance to the field of embedded systems. Due to the orientation of internationally active companies on the labour market, a good command of English is vital. The courses are therefore held exclusively in English. This makes the study programme more easily accessible for international students and learners enjoy a lively exchange with students from other nations (in addition to Germany and other EU countries, especially Asia and Africa). This dialogue also contributes to the personal development of the students and their ability to engage socially. A stay abroad is not part of the curriculum, but is generally possible within the framework of the Master‘s programme and is an option in the second semester.

    Developer for Embedded Systems (in Automation Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Sience)
    Research and development, production, operation, service, technical sales and distribution
    With their technical background and specialist knowledge, the graduates are in demand on the job market as pros who can initiate and implement decisive product improvements. Since products without embedded system components will no longer be competitive in the future, the need for specially trained personnel continues to grow. The increasing digitalization of industrial production, vehicles, systems and products is leading to stable growth rates in the embedded systems sector. Potential employers include automobile manufacturers and suppliers, medical technology (diagnostics, healthcare), the aerospace industry, industrial automation, robotics, machine tool manufacturers, measurement technology, testing technology, as well as manufacturers of systems for audio or image processing. The programme graduates are mainly employed in these companies as development and research engineers.
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    • Studienrichtung:
      Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
    • Studiengebühren:
      Semesterbeitrag 344 €
    • Voraussetzung:
      Abgeschlossenes Studium
    • Studienbeginn:
    • Studiumstyp:
      Am Standort
    • Regelstudienzeit:
      3 Semester
    • Studienabschluss:
      Master of Science
    • Immatrikulationsfrist:
    • Referenz-Nr (in der Bewerbung bitte angeben):
  • Bewerbungsunterlagen:
    • siehe Website
    27568 Bremerhaven
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